Printing to *AIA Document G702

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 Paymee supports printing the Summary page to *AIA paper Document G702 (1992 edition).  This is only available for projects using the American Style Paymee template.


 To print to *AIA paper Document G702:


 1)        Obtain AIA paper Document G702 & load your printer so that it will print in the correct orientation.  For information on purchasing *AIA Document G702, refer to AIA's website ( ).


 2)        Select 'Print Paymee Project' from the Paymee 'Project' menu.


 3)        Select the option shown below.  Refer to the below for more information on related options.




 1)        This feature is specifically calibrated to work with a original copy of 'AIA Document G702 - 1992'.  Since margins & document scales often get distorted on copies, this feature may not properly align data on copies of the document.  Accordingly we recommend printing to originals of 'AIA Document G702 - 1992'.


 2)        If you cannot get the data to properly align, then consider using the 'Create Excel Print file only' option.  This will allow you to make further adjustments before printing.  This feature will also allow you to modify the data or make modifications such as adding a logo before printing.


*AIA is a trademark of American Institute of Architects & not affiliated with Paymee nor Sapro Systems.

'AIA Document G702' is a product of the American Institute of Architects.