Architects/Custom Certification

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The display of this section is optional.  For options on this refer to Settings -> Setup & Options, Summary Sheet Tab -> Page Contents tab, Architect's / CM / Owner's Certification.



Heading Text

This text, Architect's Certification by default, is customizable.  It can read 'Owners Approval', or 'Inspectors Audit' or whatever text will fit.  To customize this text refer to Settings -> Setup & Options, Summary Sheet Tab -> Page Contents tab, Architect's / CM / Owner's Certification text.



Certification Text

This area can be customized.  For options on this refer to Settings -> Setup & Options, Summary Sheet Tab -> Page Contents tab, Architect's / CM / Owner's Certification.




This App. Amount

The Payment Application amount for approval.  This is the same as the 'Current Payment Due' from the Contract Summary Section.  The checkbox is intended for use by the architect or whoever approves payment.  This can be done on a paper printout or an a Paymee Excel file.

Tip: Use Project -> 'Export as Locked' for sending files for approval.  This locks all fields except fields for Owner/Architect approval such as this one.



'Other' Amount

The approved amount if different from the 'This App.' amount.  The checkbox is intended for use by the architect or whoever approves payment.  This can be done on a paper printout or an a Paymee Excel file.



Signature Area

This is for the architect or person responsible to approve the payment to sign.  This is typically done on a paper printout.  On some projects it may be acceptable to 'type' a signature.  With Excel it is also possible to digitally sign an Excel file including an Excel Paymee file (after Exporting).





This is for the architect or person responsible to approve the payment to provide any notes on your application, especially if a different amount was approved that the 'This App.' amount.

Tip: Use Project -> 'Export as Locked' for sending files for approval.  This locks all fields except fields for Owner/Architect approval such as this one.
